Tanks A-Lot
Promo Image

Promo Image

Base - Rendered in Marmoset.

Base - Rendered in Marmoset.

Base - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Base - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Gatt - Rendered in Marmoset.

Gatt - Rendered in Marmoset.

Gatt - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Gatt - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

King - Rendered in Marmoset.

King - Rendered in Marmoset.

King - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

King - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Moon - Rendered in Marmoset.

Moon - Rendered in Marmoset.

Moon - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Moon - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Racoon - Rendered in Marmoset.

Racoon - Rendered in Marmoset.

Racoon - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Racoon - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Wesley - Rendered in Marmoset.

Wesley - Rendered in Marmoset.

Wesley - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Wesley - High Poly - Rendered in Modo.

Tank collection.

Tank collection.

Modular Turret System.

Modular Turret System.

Tanks A-Lot is a collection of modular stylized tanks. All the tanks are designed to have swappable bodies and turrets; along with several texture options (10 colour schemes for all 6 tanks).

The style of the tanks was heavily influenced by Fortnite. To quickly create the textures, I created a procedural material in Substance Designer that allowed me to select a base colour, change the seed or adjust the strength of the camoflauge pattern (or turn it off completely). Using that as a base, I then created a stylized Smart Material inside Substance Painter with additional details such as decals, scratches, paint chips, and baked lighting. I could then use this Smart Material to rapidly create texture variations.

Tanks A-Lot will be available for purchase on the Unity Asset Store, Unreal Marketplace and Sketchfab.